Food for Thought

As we head into the Holiday season just a few helpful tips to try to keep us on track. If you are like me I have such a hard time saying no to that extra helping of mashed potatoes Also have you noticed how much candy is around once Halloween is over? I tend to want something sweet after I eat.

The one thing I am learning is to read labels. I used to just grab that frozen low-fat frozen lasagna to take for lunch because it was quick and easy. I never noticed how much sodium was in those meals. I also never knew how easy it was to meal prep with my instant pot on my day off and then I have my own pre-made meals ready to go. Eating healthy does not have to be difficult. You do not need to make this big lifestyle change. For me I started small, I used to go a few days a week to Taco Bell and get 2 burritos with extra cheese and sour cream. When I discovered I had a gluten allergy I continued to eat them because I would convince myself it was worth getting sick over because it tasted so good. Crazy right? My small change was to stop going to fast food. Once I got over the hump it became easier to not go there.

So do not make yourself promises you cant keep, do a small change, they will eventually become big changes.