Embracing My Journey: Learning to Love Myself, One Outfit at a Time

For as long as I can remember, body dysmorphia has been a constant companion in my life. Growing up, I was often told I was too thin, and as I got older, that voice in my head began to shift—telling me I wasn’t good enough, not fit enough, not thin enough—just not enough. It’s made me second-guess every outfit, avoid mirrors, and shy away from anything that might draw attention to my body.

But today, as I stand here in my favorite pair of jeans and a tucked-in bodysuit, I feel something different. For the first time in what feels like forever, I’m allowing myself to truly embrace my healthy lifestyle choices, and more importantly, I’m learning to love myself just as I am.

Wearing jeans and tucking in my shirt might seem like a small step to some, but for me, it’s monumental. It’s a declaration that I am more than my insecurities. It’s a statement that I can wear what makes me feel confident, strong, and beautiful, without the weight of judgment—especially my own—holding me back.

This journey hasn’t been easy. There are still days when the mirror reflects more than just my image; it reflects my fears, doubts, and insecurities. But today, I’m choosing to focus on how far I’ve come. I’m choosing to celebrate my progress, both in my physical health and in the way I view myself.

By embracing my healthy lifestyle, I’ve realized that loving myself isn’t about achieving a certain look or fitting into a specific size. It’s about nurturing my body, mind, and soul. It’s about making choices that support my well-being and acknowledging that I am deserving of love and acceptance—just as I am.

So here I am, in my jeans and bodysuit, taking a stand against the self-doubt that has held me back for so long. This is me, embracing every part of my journey, and learning to see myself through the eyes of love rather than judgment. And if sharing this helps even one person feel a little more comfortable in their own skin, then every step of this journey is worth it.

Life Begins at 40… or is it 50?

They say that life begins at 40, and honestly, I couldn’t agree more. As I step into what some might call the golden years (is 50 considered the golden years?), I truly feel like I’m finally enjoying life. It’s taken me a while to get here, but better late than never, right?

For a long time, I’ve struggled with body dysmorphia, and let me tell you, being kind to myself has been a full-time job. Recently, I went through a cleaning kick and stumbled upon some old photos. As I looked at these pictures, I couldn’t help but chuckle. Back then, I genuinely thought I was fat. Now, I can see that I looked great. Do I wish I could have known that then? Of course. But with time comes knowledge, and thankfully, I’ve grown and learned to love myself more as the years have gone by.

Do I still struggle? Sure. But I also know I’m doing everything possible to be my best self. I eat healthily, work out, and try not to let those negative thoughts take over. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time to that girl who disliked herself so much and tell her, “It’s all going to be okay. Don’t be so hard on yourself.” That life works out just great. While that girl would not have believed it, I can say without a doubt that I am living my best life now.

I’m thankful for the struggles because they molded me into the person I am today—strong, caring, and independent. So, I guess what I’m trying to say is: It’s okay to love yourself, flaws and all. 

Here’s to embracing the golden years, whatever age they may be, and to living a life filled with self-love and acceptance.

Embracing My Health Journey: Navigating the Ups and Downs with Honesty and Hope

Hey there, lovely souls!

Let me take a moment to share a glimpse into my ongoing journey toward better health and wellness. It’s been quite the ride, filled with ups, downs, and everything in between. But through it all, one thing remains constant: my commitment to honesty and openness.

You see, I’ve never been one to shy away from sharing my struggles. Whether it’s battling through tough times or celebrating small victories, I believe in the power of sharing our stories. Because somewhere out there, someone might be going through the same thing, feeling a little less alone knowing they’re not the only one.

Now, let’s talk about weight loss. Ah, yes, the perpetual rollercoaster ride that it is. For years, I relied on the tried-and-true formula of diet and exercise, expecting the pounds to effortlessly melt away. But as the years passed and I gracefully aged (or so I like to think), I began to realize that what once worked like magic wasn’t quite as effective anymore.

So here I am, embracing the reality that sometimes our bodies need a little extra TLC. And that’s where my wonderful dietician comes in. Together, we’re unraveling the mysteries of my metabolism, making small tweaks here and there to keep things fresh and exciting.

And guess what? It’s working! Since October, I’ve bid farewell to 10 stubborn pounds, thanks to the guidance and support of my dietician. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t always see the changes myself. Body dysmorphia has a sneaky way of clouding our perception. But when my colleagues started noticing a difference, I couldn’t ignore the evidence staring back at me in those comparison photos.

But let’s talk about something important: body positivity. It’s a beautiful concept, one that I wholeheartedly support. I firmly believe that we should love and embrace our bodies, regardless of their shape or size. But for me, this journey isn’t about conforming to society’s standards or pleasing anyone else. It’s about finding my own version of health and happiness, whatever that may look like.

So please, let’s remember that everyone’s journey is unique. What works for one person may not work for another, and that’s perfectly okay. My hope is to inspire others to embark on their own paths to wellness, whatever that may entail.

So here’s to honesty, openness, and the beautiful messiness of it all. Let’s keep shining our light and supporting each other every step of the way.

With love, light and wellness,


Navigating My Heart and Soul Journey at 50

Frustration consumes me as I grapple with the reality of gaining weight despite my relentless efforts. I’m committed to working out five to six days a week, walking three miles each day, and maintaining a relatively healthy diet, with the occasional indulgence in fries and chicken wings on weekends.

This journey, initiated for the sake of heart health, takes an unexpected turn as high blood pressure joins the ranks of pre-diabetes and hormone issues. At 50, I find it challenging to adapt to the fact that what once worked seamlessly no longer produces the same results.

Accepting my age is one thing; adjusting to new health diagnoses is another. Despite consulting with a nutritionist who assures me that I’m on the right path, frustration lingers as the scale remains unyielding. I share my story not only to uplift but to unveil the raw reality of my experience—the good, the bad, and the ugly.

In this vulnerable moment, I confess the struggle and seek solace in the hope that my efforts will eventually bear fruit. My journey reflects the resilience required when faced with unexpected health challenges, and I hope that by sharing the highs and lows, I can inspire others on a similar path to persevere and continue reaching for a heart-healthy future.

My Journey to Health and Happiness

Hey there, fellow soul-seekers! It’s me, Bridget, and I want to share a little piece of my journey with you all. I’ve been on quite the rollercoaster when it comes to my health and well-being, and it’s time to spill the beans on Bridget’s Heart and Soul.

Losing weight has been a battle for me, and it feels like I’m wrestling with my own body sometimes. You see, my hormones and thyroid have decided to go rogue on me, and to top it off, pre-diabetes is knocking at my door. But I refuse to back down.

I’ve adopted a daily workout routine and have made conscious choices about what I put into my body. Yet, there’s that nagging frustration that the scale just doesn’t seem to budge, no matter how hard I work. It’s disheartening, to say the least.

But here’s the kicker – I’ve learned that focusing solely on the numbers can lead to a never-ending cycle of disappointment. So, I’m making a conscious effort to shift my perspective. Instead of dwelling on what’s going wrong, I’m celebrating what’s going right.

I remind myself that this journey is a process, not a sprint. It’s a commitment to a healthier and happier version of myself. And yes, it’s completely okay to feel frustrated along the way. We’re human, after all.

Right now, I’m hitting the reset button. I’m taking a step back, reevaluating my workouts, and giving myself the grace to refocus. After all, it’s not about the destination; it’s about the journey. And I’m here for every twist and turn.

So, if you’ve ever found yourself in a similar situation, know that you’re not alone. Let’s support each other as we navigate this path to health and happiness. Together, we’ve got this. 💪❤️ #BridgetsHeartAndSoul #HealthyJourney #StayPositive

Embracing a Healthier Journey: Nurturing Bridget’s Heart and Soul

As I receive the results of my recent lab tests, a whirlwind of emotions engulfs me. I’ve always been mindful of my health, ensuring that my diet and exercise are on point. However, the numbers on the paper reveal a reality I didn’t foresee. Pre-diabetic, they proclaim. My hormones are imbalanced, my thyroid is also off and suddenly, my path needs a new direction.

It’s a wake-up call, a stark reminder that changes are necessary—not just for my body, but for my heart and soul as well. I’ve already adapted to a gluten-free lifestyle due to intolerance, believing I had it all sorted. But life has a way of showing us that there’s always more to learn. My journey requires a fresh perspective on eating, one that will halt the advance of this condition knocking at my door.

My usual healthy routine, brimming with vibrant salads and regular workouts, requires an upgrade. The fear of diabetes must not shape my future. It’s time for me to be proactive and take charge. With renewed determination, I embark on the mission to stabilize my glucose levels.

It’s not about radical changes, but rather subtle adjustments that will make a significant impact. Armed with research and a desire to stay diabetes-free, I’m setting out on my journey. The first step is understanding how specific foods affect my blood sugar levels. I incorporate more complex carbohydrates and fiber into my meals, opting for whole grains and vegetables.

Meal planning becomes a crucial part of my daily life. It’s not just about what I eat, but also when I eat it. Balanced meals throughout the day help me maintain steady blood sugar levels. This new approach isn’t about deprivation; it’s about discovering alternatives that nourish my body without causing spikes.

While physical health takes precedence, I recognize that stress and emotional well-being are equally important. Engaging in mindfulness practices such as meditation and yoga grants me the mental clarity and peace needed to combat daily stresses. It’s a journey of self-discovery, where every facet of my being plays a role in my health puzzle.

As I move forward, I celebrate each small triumph. A well-balanced meal, a successful workout, and stable blood sugar readings all become milestones that fuel my motivation. Yes, change can be daunting, but it’s also empowering as I take control of my destiny.

My blog, “Bridget’s Heart and Soul,” is my platform to share this expedition. If you follow my posts, you’ll understand my fervor for embracing a holistic approach to health. And now, with this new chapter, I’m adding an extra layer to my narrative. I’ve learned that no matter how much we believe we know, life continues to teach us more.

I won’t allow fear to dictate my course. This pre-diabetic diagnosis is the wake-up call I needed to nurture not just my body, but also my heart and soul. Through mindful eating, consistent movement, and a commitment to balance, I’m weaving a story of empowerment and resilience. I’m determined to prove that setbacks are merely stepping stones toward a healthier and more vibrant life.

Embracing the Journey: My Pageant, Vacation, and Post-Relaxation Reflections

As I sit down to write this blog post, I can’t help but reflect on the whirlwind experience of participating in a pageant and going on a well-deserved vacation. It was an exciting and challenging time, but I’m proud of the progress I’ve made so far, even though I haven’t fully achieved all my goals just yet.

Before embarking on my vacation, I made sure to diligently prepare for the pageant. From practicing my routines to staying committed to my fitness regimen, I gave it my all. During the initial days of my vacation, I managed to tick off the gym from my checklist and even squeezed in a few workouts amidst the pageant-related activities. I’m glad that I didn’t let go of my fitness routines completely and stayed mindful of my eating habits, which helped me avoid gaining weight or overindulging during my time away.

However, the real challenge often arises when I return home and need to unwind. After being so disciplined for an extended period, it’s challenging to ease back into my regular routine without feeling a bit off-kilter. My eating habits and workouts tend to suffer as I adjust to daily life again, and I find myself grappling with feelings of guilt.

Despite these post-vacation challenges, I’ve come to realize that it’s essential to be kind to myself. Guilt won’t do me any good. Instead, I’m choosing to focus on the positive aspects of my journey so far. I’m acknowledging that part of the weight gain might be influenced by factors beyond my control, like age and hormones, which I plan to discuss with my doctor soon. I promise to share any insights or updates I receive after my appointment.

For now, I’m reminding myself that it’s all about progress, not perfection. I won’t let temporary setbacks define my journey. I’m learning to embrace the ebbs and flows, accepting that occasional relaxation and indulgence are part of being human. As I strive to regain my rhythm and get back into my routine, I’ll do so with a gentle and understanding mindset.

So, here’s to embracing the journey—acknowledging that each step, whether big or small, is an essential part of my growth. I’m grateful for the experiences, the lessons learned, and the resilience I’m building along the way. And with my unwavering determination, I know I’ll reach my goals in due time.

Thank you for being a part of this personal and heartfelt reflection. Your support means the world to me. Until next time, let’s continue this beautiful journey together, cherishing every moment, celebrating the victories, and learning from the challenges.

Embracing My True Self:

A Journey of Body Dysmorphia and Self-Acceptance

Hey there, fellow soul-searchers!

Today, I want to open up and share my personal journey of battling body dysmorphia, a struggle that has affected me deeply. It’s Bridget here, and I’ve come to realize that the way I feel about myself is often far from how others see me. Particularly when clothes don’t fit, it triggers a wave of depression that engulfs me. But fear not, for this is also a tale of resilience and growth, as I strive to cultivate a more positive self-image and learn to love my true self.

The Power of Perception:

Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt as though the reflection staring back at you was a distorted version of reality? That’s how I often feel. It’s like an ongoing battle between my mind and the mirror. No matter how hard I try, negative thoughts overpower any shred of positivity. The struggle with body dysmorphia creates this relentless internal dialogue that tells me I’m not enough, that I don’t measure up to the unrealistic standards set by society.

Embracing Self-Love and Positivity:

I refuse to let body dysmorphia define me or determine my self-worth. It’s a constant uphill climb, but I’m determined to break free from the clutches of self-doubt. I’ve started actively challenging these destructive thoughts, replacing them with self-affirmation and gratitude. I remind myself of my unique qualities, acknowledging the strength and beauty that reside within me. It’s a gradual process, but I’m learning to be more compassionate and kind to myself.

Supportive Networks:

I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have a supportive network of friends and family who lift me up when I’m feeling down. They provide a safe space for me to share my struggles and offer their unwavering love and encouragement. Opening up about body image and mental health has strengthened our bonds, fostering understanding and empathy. Together, we break down the walls of silence and stigma, creating a foundation for healing.

Seeking Professional Help:

I’ve come to realize that I can’t navigate this journey alone. Seeking professional help has been an important step towards reclaiming my self-confidence. Through therapy, I’ve gained valuable insights into the underlying causes of my body dysmorphia. My therapist equips me with effective coping strategies and helps me reframe my negative self-perceptions. It’s liberating to have a trained professional guide me on this path to self-acceptance.

Cultivating Body Positivity:

In my quest for self-acceptance, I’ve stumbled upon the empowering concept of body positivity. I now understand that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms. To immerse myself in this movement, I actively seek out body-positive communities, follow inclusive social media accounts, and surround myself with uplifting messages. By celebrating diversity and appreciating the uniqueness of my own body, I’m gradually breaking free from the chains of self-judgment.

To my fellow warriors battling body dysmorphia, remember that you are not alone. I’m on this journey alongside you, determined to embrace my true self and overcome the challenges that lie ahead. Despite the depression that washes over me when clothes don’t fit, I’m learning to separate my self-worth from external validation. Together, let’s rewrite the narrative of our self-perception and redefine what it means to be beautiful. We deserve love, compassion, and a positive body image.

So, my dear friends, let’s embrace our true selves, for we are stunning works of art, inside and out.

Small changes Big impact 

Making changes in life can be challenging. It requires discipline, commitment, and perseverance. Whether you’re trying to improve your health, relationships, career, or any other aspect of your life, change is never easy. But what if I told you that it’s the small changes and consistent actions that make the biggest impact?

Bridget’s Heart and Soul is a journey that exemplifies the power of small changes and consistency. Through my journey, we can learn valuable lessons about how we too can make positive changes in our lives.


Bridget’s journey began when she realized that she wasn’t living her life to the fullest. She felt stuck in a rut and knew that she needed to make changes. She decided to start small by incorporating healthy habits into her daily routine. She started by drinking more water, eating healthier foods, and moving her body more.

At first, the changes were difficult. She struggled to stay consistent and often found herself slipping back into old habits. But Bridget was determined to make lasting changes, and she continued to push forward.

Over time, she started to see the results of her hard work. Her energy levels improved, she felt happier, and her relationships with those around her strengthened. She was finally living the life she had always dreamed of, and it was all thanks to the small changes she had made and her commitment to consistency.

Bridget’s story teaches us that change is possible, but it requires effort and persistence. It’s easy to get discouraged when we don’t see immediate results, but it’s important to remember that small actions taken consistently over time can lead to significant changes.

Here are some tips to help you make small changes and stay consistent:

  1. Start small: Don’t try to change everything at once. Focus on making one small change at a time, and build from there.
  2. Be consistent: Set a schedule and stick to it. Whether it’s exercising, meditating, or reading, make it a part of your daily routine.
  3. Don’t give up: Change takes time, and there will be setbacks along the way. Don’t let them discourage you. Keep pushing forward and trust the process.


Making changes in life is hard, but it’s not impossible. By taking small actions consistently, we can create significant changes in our lives. Bridget’s Heart and Soul journey is a testament to the power of consistency and the impact of small changes. So, don’t be afraid to take that first step, and remember that every little bit counts.


We all have days where we lack motivation, and it’s okay to feel that way. But when it lingers on and on, it can start affecting our daily lives. If you’re finding yourself not motivated lately, don’t worry, you’re not alone. This is a common issue faced by many people, and it can be hard to overcome.

I understand the importance of being motivated in all aspects of life, whether it’s work, relationships, or personal growth. That’s why I am here to share some tips and tricks to help you get out of your motivational slump.

  1. Identify the root cause: Sometimes, a lack of motivation can stem from deeper issues like stress, anxiety, or depression. Take some time to reflect and identify what could be causing your lack of motivation. Once you’ve identified the root cause, it’s easier to address and overcome it.
  2. Break down your goals: Big goals can often seem overwhelming, and it’s easy to lose motivation when you feel like you’re not making progress. Break down your goals into smaller, achievable tasks, and focus on completing them one by one. Celebrate each small win, and it’ll help you stay motivated.
  3. Find inspiration: Surround yourself with inspiration, whether it’s in the form of motivational quotes, books, or people who uplift you. Sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration to get you motivated and moving.
  4. Practice self-care: Taking care of yourself is essential for maintaining motivation. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and exercising regularly. Also, take time out to do things that you enjoy and make you feel good.
  5. Create a routine: Having a routine can help you stay organized and motivated. Plan out your day, set goals, and stick to a schedule. It’ll help you stay on track and get things done.

Remember, everyone has days where they lack motivation, and that’s okay. The important thing is to not let it linger and affect your overall wellbeing. Take small steps towards regaining your motivation and focus on progress rather than perfection. I believe in you, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.