Daily Weigh Ins

If you know me or have read my journey you know the struggle I have with the scale. One of my favorite health and fitness people is Chris Powell, Here is some great advice on weigh yourself daily : I found it helpful.

How often should you weigh yourself? Do a quick search on PubMed and you will find numerous published studies and research articles in this arena and every single one points directly to the fact that…The more often you weigh yourself, the more likely you are to lose the weight AND keep it off. In fact, those who weigh themselves DAILY have the greatest success – both losing the weight and keeping it off. Now HOLD ON!!! There’s a big ‘BUT’ here: For a lot of us, stepping on the scale can be an emotional/mental slippery slope to misery – especially if we cannot separate our self-worth from the number on the scale! And this can lead to very destructive behavior in the long run: chasing the scale, disordered eating, depression, etc. SO BE AWARE!! When weighing yourself daily, you must fully understand these 5 RULES: 1 – Your self worth has NOTHING to do with a number on the scale. 2 – Your daily weigh ins are to increase your daily awareness off your habits and patterns – that’s it. 3 – You can only lose a small fraction of a pound of FAT on a daily basis. 4 – You should expect to see significant daily fluctuations of water weight in pounds on the scale. Some days it will be up, some days it will be down. If you chart your weight daily, it will likely look like a sawtooth pattern! 5 – You should only expect to see true fat loss trends on a weekly basis. Bi-weekly is even better. So for anyone who can follow the 5 rules – enjoy the learning process and seeing your bodyweight fluctuate on the scale daily! It’s pretty fascinating. But if weighing daily is not in your best interest, here’s some tips to get the most realistic trend for your weight:1. Weigh once a week on the same day2. Weigh yourself in the morning right after you wake up3. Wear the same light clothing every time. And if stepping on the scale at all is not healthy for you mentally/emotionally, track your progress with some other amazing methods to quantify your weight loss, like inches lost or clothing sizes! Hope this helps, my friends!