Woman of Impact

So if you read my blog you know that I have a passion for heart health and fitness. It is basically the whole reason I started this blog  I wanted to make an impact in other people’s lives and let them know they were not alone in their fight.
The biggest part of my passion is working with The American Heart Association. I started volunteering with them in 2017, this was mostly in part due to the passing of my husband’s aunt from atherosclerosis followed by my own mom having to have a triple bypass (from which she suffered two strokes during recovery). This is when I decided I needed to make changes in my own life; but more than that, I wanted to know what I could do to help others make changes as well.
Working with the American Heart Association has been one of the most rewarding things I have done, it has really sparked an interest in being healthy and trying to be more active.
This last February during the Go Red for Women luncheon they announced that they had nominated six amazing women for The Go Red for Women Woman of Impact. I was blessed and honored to be included as a nominee with these outstanding women.

It wasn’t about the title, for me it was just being included amongst so many wonderful women who shared the same passion I do.
I love sharing what I learn, whether it is on social media or my blog so this was such a fun campaign to participate in. After eight weeks they let us know that I, along with another amazing woman, Kerry, and been named the first two inaugural Woman of Impact Award winners for the American Heart Association of Northern California.

I was blown away! I could not believe it! To be nominated for something that you truly love doing is really a blessing and I had no expectations of actually winning. I am more determined than ever to continue to share my experience, help raise funds, spread life saving information about cardiovascular disease, and help close the gender research gap. I will continue to use my voice to increase awareness about the signs and symptoms of heart attacks and stroke. And as always I will continue to be a relentless force for longer and healthier lives.