You Are Not Alone

It has taken me awhile to form my thoughts in order to write this blog post, I did not know Stephen “Twitch” Boss But his passing lingers for me. He was always smiling and full of life while he was on social media dancing with his wife or kids. And I think that is what stays with me the most, those that seem the happiest can be in their darkest moments. We are only seeing a glimpse of what someone wants us to see. We need to remember that depression does not have a certain “look”. Just because someone is showing us on social media the perfect life does not mean they feel they have the perfect life or feel perfect. We all have different stresses in life and all handle it differently. Some of us keep our feelings in and are not comfortable sharing with others. Sometime the strongest people have the hardest time sharing their feelings.

I talk alot about my journey and about the physical and it is so important to remember the mental part too. If we are not taking care of our mental health then the we are only fighting half the battle.  Just know you are not alone, you are loved and there are people out there that are here to help.

Please remember to lean on your friends or family and talk to someone about how you are feeling. Whether you are the one struggling or if you have a loved one and don’t know what to do, I am here , to listen, to talk or to just go take a walk to get out. Don’t fight this fight alone because please if you take anything away from this long winded ramble of a post, YOU ARE NOT ALONE AND YOU ARE LOVED!